Monday, 6 February 2012

Week 2 - Still Life - Form and Shape

This is my drawing(drawings) for the topic of "Form and shape". The top one focusing on form of the objects by showing the shadows and shading and the bottom one focusing on the shape of the objects by showing only the space they occupy.
The top drawing shows the form of the bananas with the subtle difference in the shading that is apparent along the bananas width. Notice how the shadows are darker just before the subtle edge a banana has along its lenght. Tha shadow on the branch however is solid because it has almost no dents on it. The darkest patches on 2 of the bananas sugest that there these surfaces are facing each other, while the brither patches sugest that they are facing away from the composition and they dont have anything nearby obscuring the light.
The shadows also successfully show the position of the subjects in an environment. Even without any defined objects around, it is clear, that the fruits are not floating in mid-air.
The orange might be a pour example of representing form because of the interfierence that the shadows cast from the bananas cause. They make a dark arc along the orange's shape and might confuse the viewer about the orange's form.
In comparison, the bottom drawing shows shape by ignoring the shading over the objects and showng only the space they occupy. This makes for an easier evaluation of the overal compostion. On the bottom drawing it is easier to notice that there is a lot of empty space on the right  side of the drawing. It also rises concerns about the bottom lines of the bananas merging and confusing the viewer. Having all the objects in black also makes it easier to se where kissing between objects may appear, in this drawing this is where the orange overlaps with the bananas.

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