Sunday, 8 April 2012

Week 10 - Landscapes - Classical Architecture

These are my fairly quick sketches of classical interiors in the top image and classical exteriors in the bottom image. Perspective is visible mostly in the two interior drawings - the subtle foreshortening in the balconies in the top-left and in the horizontal segment in the middle of the top image.
There is also a fairly good fore-mid-back-ground separation in the top-left sketch. On the very left, there is a balcony part that seems to stand out as foreground and then the two balconies beginning at mid-ground and blending to background in the furthest parts in the top-right parts of the sketch.
It can be noticed that interiors seem to feature a lot more detailed ornaments, filling almost all the surfaces visible, while in exteriors, ornaments seem to be focused mainly on ending points of bigger, simpler shapes : The bottom-right exterior sketch shows detail has been aded only to the very edge of the rooftop. As for the window frames and the chimney behind, there is only a small change in the shape. In the meantime, in the interiors there is a far more detailed column and a lot of flat walls with ornaments onto them - the horizontal segment in the 2nd interior and the outsides of the balcony walls in the 1st interior.

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